
This website offers accessibility to all users in a number of ways. However, due to the wide range of activities in the lessons, teachers should consider partnering students who require assistive technologies with other students in the class.

A skip navigation function allows users to jump to the main content area on any page.

Images have alternative tags that describe what the image illustrates.

Videos provide a closed caption button.

Worksheets are offered on student activity pages in a PDF format. On teacher versions of activities, both PDF and Word formats are provided so teachers can modify the activity as needed.

Screen reader users are strongly encouraged to use the latest version of JAWS on Internet Explorer 9 or above. Accessibility instructions for screen reader users:

  • Begin reading each page by pressing CTRL+Home.
  • Use the Say All keyboard commands to hear the entire page read before trying the interactive.
  • After the page has been read, CTRL+Home again to move back to the top of the page and do the interactive portions of the lesson.

This site contains links to external websites. We cannot guarantee that all linked sites are accessible.

Using the Map Interactive

The interactive map appears on the following pages:

In general we suggest that users of assistive technology should partner with others.

Specific instructions: For JAWS users and keyboard navigation, as you tab to the map, the first tab announces the country name. The second tab forces the focus to that country’s content so JAWS will read it. The next tab takes you to the next country header, etc.

Using the Geopolitical Timeline Interactive

The timeline appears on this page: Geopolitical Timeline.

In general we suggest that users of assistive technology should partner with others.

Specific instructions: For JAWS users and keyboard navigation, as you tab to the timeline, the first tab announces the first entry on the timeline (1945 – 1950). The next tab takes you into the content for that era and you can tab down the page. Once you tab and hear “Geopolitical-Timeline Link” announced, you have reached the end of an era. Tab again and you enter the next page on the timeline and hear the next era announced. This method repeats for the whole timeline. The final era is 1990 – 1995.